Some nuances, or feelings, might be lost in translation, but I want to believe that the core of the emotions could be conveyed, even if it is a completely different language.
“For you, it may seem like nothing but a waste of time, but for an old person like me, it isn’t.”
“자네에게는 흘러가는 시간이 붙잡지 못해 아쉬운 기회비용이겠지만, 나 같은 늙은이에게는 아니라네.”
“If we cannot go even at the speed of light, what does the concept of being in the same universe mean?”
“하지만 우리가 빛의 속도로 갈 수조차 없다면, 같은 우주라는 개념이 대체 무슨 의미가 있나? “
キム・チョヨプ わたしたちが光の速さで進めないなら 早川書房 2020
Bought at Maruzen bookstore in Okayama